Mistletoe Bay

Mistletoe Bay Room 4 from Mr Skiperoo on Vimeo.

Room 4 Mistletoe Bay 2015 from Mr Skiperoo on Vimeo.

Room 4: Mistletoe Bay 2015 Video 4 from Mr Skiperoo on Vimeo.
Room 4 had the fantastic opportunity to visit the beautiful Mistletoe Bay in the Marlborough Sounds. We went for three days, taking part in Mountain-biking, kayaking, shelter-building and lots of swimming. We all had a great time and will add more photos in due course. The Burma trail, Hat-game, camp concert and tales of a missing boy called 'Jimmy' all added to the events, but it's been a fantastic way to start off the year.

Well done to all of Room 4 for their outstanding behaviour, constant smiles despite the heat and their teacher dragging them on a 4 hr walk that was 'adult fun and not child fun' as Sophie eloquently put!

A massive thankyou to the parent volunteers Jac, Melissa, Dominic and Sara that made the camp possible, and particular mention to Kate, Sloane, and Jason for providing transport... the camp wouldn't have been possible without you.

Room 4 from the lookout over Marborough Sounds
On the first night, we went on the burma trail and the helpful parents guided us there through the forest. We had a long rope to hold onto and were carefully blindfold round our heads so we could not see anything! I was a little bit scared but not when I was my friends were there I felt happy I went scardly through the forest as the leaves crunch under  my shaking  feet all the way thor the forest a cloud see light  upon the harisen it was the end a flow of rlly fold all around me and l took  my blindfold  off it was the end on the trail that was FUN. 

by kadeisha, max and lauchlan.
Lockmara Wharf

Swimming…   is awesome!

As w paradise polorase were about to dive into the. We all felt a bit nervous but I did it unlike the scaredy cats. As I dived off the rocks plunging into the water. As I look up I see the reflection of the sky above me. I felt the emotions trickling down me. Woops I need a breath! “Wow Reuben did you get bitten by a fish!”

Made by Sophie Jonny and Jessie.  

Biking along the Queen Charlotte track

The journey to Lochmara

We got onto the queen charlotte track, it took four hours to get to Lochmara lodge. Our legs got really tired and mr marston told us a mysterious story of Jimmy; a young boy that had disaapeared in the region 14 years ago. Some kids got freaked out they thought it was true! Almost everyone fell off the track.
 made by Hunter + Kellan + Shantelle.

EATING “Munch munch munch”, I almost exploded in joy as the delicious juicy apple starts flooding into my mouth.  I look at everybodys meals they were all unbelievable and the desserts well I could smell it from the other side of the room mmmm. “YES” (Victory dance) its finally time for… SECONDS yum sand wedge I peep into my perfectly made sandwedge mmm lettuce ham cheese… MAYO as i finish my AMAZING samwidge I look forward in terrier “AHH” i shouted “WASHING UP  NNNOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” made by Auriela,Lily and Alex.

Jumping off the wharf

The time was about three o’clock when I could see the bright blue sea. Then the staff/parents said we were aloud to jump off the wharf. I got into my togs straight away. Then in ten seconds we all quickly raced over to the wharf. Everyone was standing in silence,as no one wanted to jump all except for hunter. If you tried to look at him he would be gone, in the like that. Noah was happy to give it a go as well. I was standing there getting ready. three, two, one. It was silent like at the dead of night for only a split second. That felt great i imagined.

By Fenlon, niksha, mikaiya

Mountain biking

As I went up a hill I could feel the sun slicing through the tree tops. I could hear
the birds singing in harmony. a shiver of excitement started to climb up my back.
after a while my fingers started to melt into the bars as we rode into the bush.
faster and faster I rode it started to feel like I was a cheater on a bike.
I looked out into the horizon and saw the ocean stretch out before me.

by Emily Reuben Georgia.`

Hut Building
Our class made huts in the enormous forest , despite the small time limit we thought it was fantastically creative. We made the huts out of sticks leaves and anything we could find in the bush. There was another hut by room 2 called narnia it was pitch black as the night sky
After we left we were full of excitement.

By noah, holly and sam

                                                Bhumar Trail… was awesome!!

When we got to the Bhurma trail, we got a scarf wrapped around our faces so were temporarily blinded. The rope was long and thick, I felt scared and nervous as I walked into the woods.The ground was solid when ‘’SMACK’’ I walked into a tree! 

When suddenly a soft voice from behind me said “are you ok?” I kept walking it was getting darker I heard the trees shaking so I sped up. I was getting close to the end a little flash light was shining in my eyes , it was the end I felt great and so did all cabin groups. Every cabin group was resilient.

By Ali,keian, Kloe.