Maths - Basic Facts
Working on basic number facts will really supplement their class work at this level. We will continue to work on these throughout class-time, although these websites might prove an excellent way to develop addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. We will be having a big push in Room 4, in recalling our multiplication facts, so the more practice, the better!
Have a go at the link below to challenge your maths basic facts:
Reading is self-motivated, but children are expected to read for 15 minutes a night. Understandably, with extra-curricular activities, sports and family commitments, this might not always be possible.Currently, on the BBC 2 radio page, there are the 5o finalists for the best stories written under 500 words. The age category is 10-13, and there are some superb, and quite inspirational writers. Check out the link below:
Have a go at these spelling challenges, a great way to learn commonly misspelt words:
Being Creative
If you fancy being creative, why not check out one of these websites:Find out about the world
Why not research what's happening in New Zealand today? You can also research topics and events that are effecting the world.
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You can continue to do additional work on your blogs, genius hour or any other finished work.Follow this link to sign into your GAFE account:
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