Saturday, November 21, 2015

HSS Gala

That time of year again, and the infamous HSS gala takes centre stage. Months of preparation from the governors, parents, teachers, children and the wider community make this event a true highlight of the year. A huge thankyou to all those involved, and for those that attended, contributing their hard earned cash to the wellbeing of HSS. A special thanks tNgaire, Nicole, Di and Catherine for their outstanding organisation and the smooth running of the day. 
The extra funds help contribute to various projects throughout the school, in recent times: the school van, the tiger turf, subsidising school camps, devices within school and many other projects that provide opportunity for HSS children to experience and promote learning
The weather looked ominous, and at one stage in the early afternoon, gala preparations looked to revert to an indoor plan. However, in true kiwi mentality, positivity in the face of adversity saw every finger and toes crossed for a positive weather report, and it wouldn't disappoint. Miserable grey skies exit stage left, glorious nelson sunshine enter stage right.

With the ongoing redevelopments within the Middle syndicate, space understandably restricted the amount of activities/stalls available at this years gala. The Art Sale and White elephant stall being the most notable absentees. Traditional stalls such as the Chocolate wheel, plate throwing, sponge lobbing, jolly bags, and 'Teddy Toss' all proved popular. Refreshments and food were available with the copious amounts of parent helpers: whitebait patties, sausage sizzle, cake stalls, lucky dips, the options were endless. On the field, lazer-tag and water-zorbing attracted the crowds, with smiling faces for all to see, and the backdrop of fairground acoustics and the HSS band in the backdrop.

The Senior syndicate staff once again converted Rooms 5 and 6 into a maze of winding passages, hosting a series of mysterious and frightening experiences. This years theme was 'The haunted Toy shop', following the construction of HSS on the grounds of this once famous toy store... A huge thankyou to Karen for her outstanding contribution, her incredible talents with make-up and special effects make all this possible and somewhat believable.