Saturday, February 28, 2015

Room 4 Mistletoe Bay 2015

Room 4 Mistletoe Bay 2015 from Mr Skiperoo on Vimeo.

I love Cricket: Room 4 & 10 Assembly

A huge congratulations to room 4 and 10 for completing a superb class assembly. The theme was the Cricket World Cup, and the children performed with the clarity and enthusiasm of Oscar winning actors! Both classes had very little preparation with Room 4 on camp the previous week and other priorities during assessment week, so very well done to perform to such a high standard.
A particular mention should go to Auriela, Kadeisha, Georgia and Jessie for choreographing and teaching both classes an excellent dance routine to "I love cricket" by 10CC. 

Camp Maths: Preparation for camp

Maths problem hunt: 
(Problem solving, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)

Following a series of Mathematical challenges hidden around the classroom, the children had to find the clue, work out the answer to locate the next question. Only with a correct series of questions could they complete the whole Mathematical hunt!

Who stays where on camp?
(Probability, addition)

Exploring all the possibilities for the sleeping arrangements on camp: 

Calculating the cost of food on camp. 
(Addition and subtraction)

Establishing a balanced diet, and working out the cost for breakfast, lunch and dinner over our 3 day camp

Kegs Kids

The Girls from Kegs have yet again concocted another masterpiece from the garden. Another magical potion that sets the taste-buds racing.

As 'chief-taster', I take pride in my work and give full marks to their latest home-made pesto on Bread.
Not too sure about last weeks 'Nettle-tea', I'm more partial to her majesty's English breakfast tea! I'm pretty sure the girls are attempting some evil 'George's Marvellous Medicine' plot to spike my 'lovely tea' with some vile ingredients!

Camp Maths: Structures and Shape

(Exploring 2D and 3D shape)

Unfortunately, Mr Marston forgot to prepare shelter for all the adults attending camp. Rather than letting the adults get cold, wet and grumpy, the children's project was to research shape and design the perfect structure for the homeless adults!

First, the structure needed to be strong, so we looked at various shaped prisms and explored their strength under pressure and wind. 

We explored the number of vertices, edges and faces to see if this was important in providing strength to the structure. What do you notice is the most common shape?

The Hamden Street Outdoors shop then opened, and with a strict budget the teams were challenged to assemble their structure, to support 3 'adults', and with stand the elements!

Although we were learning about properties of shape in our structures, and addition and subtraction with our camp shop, we soon realised that we had used many of the school values in the teamwork and discussion that went on throughout the process.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Mistletoe Bay

Room 4 had the fantastic opportunity to visit the beautiful Mistletoe Bay in the Marlborough Sounds. We went for three days, taking part in Mountain-biking, kayaking, shelter-building and lots of swimming. We all had a great time and will add more photos in due course. The Burma trail, Hat-game, camp concert and tales of a missing boy called 'Jimmy' all added to the events, but it's been a fantastic way to start off the year.

Well done to all of Room 4 for their outstanding behaviour, constant smiles despite the heat and their teacher dragging them on a 4 hr walk that was 'adult fun and not child fun' as Sophie eloquently put!

A massive thankyou to the parent volunteers Jac, Melissa, Dominic and Sara that made the camp possible, and particular mention to Kate, Sloane, and Jason for providing transport... the camp wouldn't have been possible without you.

Room 4 from the lookout over Marborough Sounds

Lockmara Wharf

Biking along the Queen Charlotte track